About us
- Our History
- Our Vision, Mission, Values & Motto
- Brand Interpretation
- Management Structure
- Message From Prinicipal
- Quality Assurance
- Health and Safety Statement
- Governance
- Industries & Partners
Ekurhuleni East TVET College History
Ekurhuleni East TVET College and Metro
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College is one of the 52 TVET Colleges in South Africa, the College is situated in the eastern region of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. Ekurhuleni is a Tsonga word meaning ‘place of peace’ thus the College is named after this beautiful name. The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) covers an extensive area of about 1 975 Km2.
The EMM comprises nine towns: Alberton, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, Edenvale, Germiston, Kempton Park, Nigel and Springs. Included in these towns are 17 townships (EMM IDP) 2015-16) Geographically, Ekurhuleni is uniquely situated. It borders the eastern part of Johannesburg and the southern part of Tshwane. The Metro is spread over 15.6% of Gauteng’s land mass. It is the fourth largest municipality of all metropolitan areas that currently exists in South Africa. Ekurhuleni has three large towns: Kempton Park, Benoni and Springs.
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College
Ekurhuleni East TVET College (EEC) is spread across five towns in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM). These are: Springs, Kwa-Thema, Daveyton, Benoni and Brakpan. It comprises six college sites located in these five towns. Five campuses offer mainly NCV and Report 191 programmes while the sixth one is a Centre of Specialization. The campuses offering NCV and Report 191 programmes are Benoni Campus, Brakpan Campus, Daveyton Campus, Kwa-Thema Campus as well as Springs Campus. The only Centre of Specialization which was established in 2015, is called the Artisan & Skills Development Centre. It is situated in the industrial area of Springs. The strength of the College is embodied in its location in the EMM.
Ekurhuleni has a total surface area of 1975km² that accommodates a population of 4066 691 million, with a population growth of 2.39% (Source: Census 2022). This means that the College has a large catchment area from which to recruit potential students.
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College is a result of a merger of five Technical colleges which were Benoni Technical, Isidingo Technical, Tlamoga Technical and Springs Technical and later the Artisan and Skills Development Centre was founded to make a total of six centres. Currently, Ekurhuleni East TVET College boost with a total of six spread over six geographic areas around the Eastern Region of Ekurhuleni. Ekurhuleni East TVET College offers a mix of NCV, Artisan and Short Skills programmes, Report 191, Pre vocational Learning Programmes, with the NCV programmes being the major offering. We boast:
- NCV (National Curriculum Vocational) programmes spread across the Engineering, Business, ICT, Tourism, Process Plant Operations and Hospitality sectors
- Report 191 programmes spread across the Engineering, Business, Tourism and Hospitality sectors
To be a world- class TVET institution where people are empowered with relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for the labour market and self-employment
To create a quality learning environment that anticipates, prepares for and meets the Education, Training and Development expectations of our clients.
- Focus on clients
- Innovative and responsive service
- Focus on learning
- Ethical practices
- Respect for our people
- Equitable access to our services
- Continual improvement
- Technical and Professional excellence
- Respect for the environment
Our inspirational Motto is: “Committed to excellence”
Brand interpretation
Main Corporate Identity: The College strives to create a quality learning environment which is in line with the needs of the industry. We are a committed to excellence on daily basis in all divisions, campuses and as individual staff members of the College, each individual sector of the College playing part in realising the Vision of the College to become a world-class technical Vocational Training institution.
Red circle: Represent the bright, red, African Sun which is so much a part of the Ekurhuleni east landscape. It represents the warmth of our students’ learning experience as well as their aspirations towards a brighter future. The circle also symbolises the unification of the six merged Campuses into one dynamic TVET College which has great expectations for growth and success in the future. The sun symbolises life, it is part of our Mission to create a quality learning environment which will empower our students for life.
e’ symbol: The aqua blue ‘e’ at the heart of the College Logo represents the Lake Districts of the East Rand as well as the flow of students through the College. The implied alliteration is also designed to emphasise the excellent, efficient and economical education which students receive at Ekurhuleni East TVET College.
Sun Rays: The golden yellow sunrays represent the vitality of the sun, the sunny Highveld region where the College is situated and the gold mines which form part of the east rand landscape. The multiple sunrays are symbolic of a vital vocational education permeating the community from a TVET College which seeks to be all our students’ partner to a brighter future.
Management Structure
Dr V Sambo
Chairperson: College Council
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Zonke Mahlangu
Chairperson: Audit & Risk
Mr Mashilo Nchabeleng
Chairperson: Finance & investments
Ms Dineo Nkhele
Mr Oupa Galane
Mr Alec Galanakis
Mr Sonny Madingoana
Mr Khotso Ntseare
Chairperson: Human Resource
Ms Komane
Secritary of council
Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: Registrar
Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: Registrar
Ms Violet Matjila
Campus Manager: Benoni
Mr Sipho Nkosi
Campus Manager: Daveyton
Ms. Ashnie Soorajpal
Campus Manager: Springs
Ms Thulisile Mathebula
Centre Manager: ASDC
Ms Gugu Matthews
Campus Manager: Brakpan
Ms Thokozile Nkosi
Campus Manager: KwaThema
Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: Registrar
Mr Alex Mohlala
AsD: Student Administration
Mr Anthony Mafolo
Mr Zuko Mbolekwa
AsD: Marketing and communications
AsD: Partnership and Linkages
AsD: Labour Relations
AsD: Supply Chain Management
Ms Mpho Mzangwe
AsD: Budgets and Accounts
Ms Precious Phati
Ms Lesego Boikhutso
AsD: Human Resource
Mr Esau Zikalala
AsD: Exam & Assessments
Ms Sandiswa Sithole
AsD: Curriculum Support (Acting)
Mr Sifiso Nkosi
AsD: Student Support Services
AsD: Risk Management
Manager: Projects
Message From Principal
On behalf of the College Council, the College Executive, Staff members and the entire student population I would like to welcome you to Ekurhuleni East TVET College.
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College commonly known as EEC is at the far East of Gauteng province in South Africa, in the Ekurhuleni metropolitan well-positioned amongst big businesses such as Gibela, Kimberly clack, Mpack, Impala, Mettall, Gold 1 and many other big businesses in various industries.
The EEC stand tall in the far East as one of the most prominent education institution with five Campuses specializing in Engineering, Business and Social and creative studies and one delivery site specializing in Skills Development and Training.
Those who are biblically inclined will remember that the East as were the wise man once came and where the sun never set.
In an attempt to fulfill the mandate of the Department of Higher Education and Training the College has committed its self to the motto “committed to excellence”.
The Vision and the Mission of the College are what drives the College Staff members to work selflessly and to produce beyond expectations.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has demonstrated strength and resilience by producing results and by forging new partnerships and relations with big businesses and industries in South African and abroad.
With that said, I also like to welcome and appreciate our partners for their unwavering support providing placement and training opportunities for our students and for supporting the College to its endeavors. Our partnership is playing a critical role in making sure that the College keeps reaching out to the lives of the poor and open doors of learning to all.
As a College, we are excited to contribute to the individual lives of young people in our catchment areas and to fulfill the vision of the Department of High Education and Training. We are overly excited to be part of the changing world by contributing to the development of the South African economy through skill development in the field of Engineering, Business, ICT, Tourism, and Hospitality.
As we continue to produce quality students, we are also committed to seeking placement for our students in various industries. Through these placements, we are convinced that employment opportunities will be realized.
I also like to thank our students placed in various companies who are continuing to flay high the flag of EEC and urge them to remember that they are the alumina of the College, they are the roots of the tree that steams strong from the East.
Ms Happy Sibande
Quality Assurance
QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – is a collection of Policies, Processes, Procedures, Plans, Practices and Resources, with highlighted Organisation’s Hierarchy, Responsibilities and Specifications aimed at achieving set Organisational Objectives and satisfy the needs and expectations of Customers and affected Stakeholders.
Quality Planning – an essential activity where all Managers must be involved in, deciding on the Service Inputs, Tools and Outputs required to service customers. Setting of Quality/Operational Objectives that are aligned to the Quality policy and Strategic Objectives is the critical element of QMS. Hence the QMS office conducts workshop sessions aimed at empowering the Campus Management Team developing and adopting Quality Objectives. The following are documents or Inputs in place that are aimed at assisting the College to satisfy affected stakeholders including customers:
- Quality Policy – recently approved
- Quality Manual – in a process of being replaced
- Legal framework – from DHET and other relevant Departments
- Custodian of Internal Divisional/departmental Policies, Processes, Procedures, forms and Guidelines
- Customer Service Standards – “Charter”
- Customer Complaints Process & Forms
- Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys – electronic and manual forms
Quality Assurance – It is proactively focusing on processes that are in place if they assist in achieving set goals. It’s an ongoing process of checking for deviations and allows for immediate corrections, just like the Internal Audits. This is known to be a critical role played by the QMS Office at all campuses where scheduled processes assessments and performance monitoring and evaluations are conducted as planned.
Quality Control – reactive in nature based on the outcomes of tests conducted, classic example is the Customer Satisfaction Surveys completed by students, also any other testing mechanism that is aimed at testing overall product or service. This also includes the coordination of items “To-do List” raised during the Management Review resolutions.
Ekurhuleni East TVET College has been re-certified by External Audits – SABS, for compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 for a period of 3 years, the certificate expires on the 27th July 2023. The first ISO 9001:2007 was first awarded in 2011, and ever since the College has satisfied all the requirements for certification with SABS.
011 730 6600 x 3205
P.P. Phathi
QMS Manager
Health and Safety Statement
Ekurhuleni East, Technical, Vocational, Education and Training College (EEC) as a public institution regulated and established in terms of the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Act 16 of 2006 as amended. EEC commits to in so far as is reasonably practicable; to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and its regulations as well as other allied and related legislation, standards and requirements to which the College subscribes. |
The College is committed to providing and maintaining, as far as is reasonably practicable a healthy, safe and risk-free working and learning environment and this shall be achieved by:
- Providing adequate resources to fulfill EEC’s OHS Management System and policy.
- Implementing, establishing, maintaining and monitoring OHS systems, structures including OHS committees and assign responsibilities through formal legal appointments.
- Building a culture that is centered on maintaining a high-level OHS performance and commitment from the College management team, staff, visitors, contractors and students.
- Providing an environment that is aimed at eliminating illnesses and injuries at work and at any other place that may be impacted by our operations, including members of the public.
- Providing appropriate personal protective equipment/ clothing as considered necessary for the protection of employees and students in the cause of their activities (and ensuring that employees and students make use of such equipment and or clothing as may be required according to their risk exposure).
- Providing and arranging OHS Training and instruction to OHS legal appointments as well as to contractor /service provider employees.
- Implementing methods to monitor contractor/service provider OHS Compliance.
- Conducting regular reviews of OHS performance by the College Management and setting objectives, targets and monitoring them continuously to ensure their achievements.
- Addressing all short-comings in OHS Management System performance identified through monitoring the system on audit basis (internal and external).
EEC relies on its community members to take individual and collective responsibility to prevent accidents, injuries, illnesses and ensure compliance with OHS procedures, standards and work practices.
This OHS policy statement is a key part of EEC OHS Policy and will be reviewed on annual basis or as a need arises to ensure continual improvement of the implementation of the OHS Management System.
Dr V Sambo
Chairperson: College Council
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Zonke Mahlangu
Chairperson: Audit & Risk
Mr Mashilo Nchabeleng
Chairperson: Finance & investments
Ms Dineo Nkhele
Mr Oupa Galane
Mr Alec Galanakis
Mr Sonny Madingoana
Mr Khotso Ntseare
Chairperson: Human Resource
Ms Komane
Secritary of council
Industries & Partners
The College is strategically situated in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality with a population of over three million and access to a large number of manufacturing industries, has enabled the College to expand its partnership base. Partnerships have been established with the local paper factories, SAPPI, Kimberly Clark and Mondi in offering NC (V) Process Plant Operations. Three foundry Trades: Melting, Moulding and Pattern-making are offered in partnership with local foundries SAIF, CSIR and NFTN. A partnership with EOH for placing students and offering short skills as well Business and IT programmes, is in place. MERSETA is the leading SETA of the College and all programmes in Mechanical Engineering are accredited. The SETA representatives assists the College with accreditation with other SETAs such as MICT SETA, Services SETA, FP&M SETA, E&W SETA, FESTO etc. The College has established a Centre of Excellence in Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation in partnership with SAMSUNG and the MERSETA.
In 2019 the College has launched the Centre of Specialisation (CoS) in Boilermaking through the established partnership with the national DHET CoS Programme and a Specialised Institute Facilities (SIF) which was a partnership between the Trade and Industry Department, African bank and the College. The following companies were the host companies of the COS of the College (Trollope, SCAW, VH Exploration and EBDA).
The College has maintained its International Partnerships to expand student’s placement opportunities and to source International Skills for our students to be able to compete with other students from other institutions.
- Our History
- Our Vision, Mission, Values & Motto
- Brand Interpretation
- Management Structure
- Message From Prinicipal
- Quality Assurance
- Governance
- Health and Safety Statement
- Industries & Partners
Ekurhuleni East TVET College History
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College is one of the 50 TVET Colleges in South Africa, the College is situated in the eastern region of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. Ekurhuleni is a Tsonga word meaning ‘place of peace’ thus the College is named after this beautiful name. The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) covers an extensive area of about 1 975 Km2. The EMM comprises nine towns which Alberton, Benoni, Boksburg, Brakpan, Edenvale, Germiston, Kempton Park, Nigel and Springs. Included in these towns are 17 townships (EMM IDP) 2015-16) Geographically, Ekurhuleni is uniquely situated. It borders the eastern part of Johannesburg and the southern part of Tshwane. The Metro is spread over 15.6% of Gauteng’s land mass. It is the fourth largest municipality of all metropolitan areas that currently exist in South Africa. Ekurhuleni has three large towns: Kempton Park, Benoni and Springs.
Ekurhuleni East TVET College (EEC) is spread across five towns in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM). These are: Springs, Kwa-Thema, Daveyton, Benoni and Brakpan. It comprises six college sites located in these five towns. Five campuses offer mainly NCV and Report 191 programmes while the sixth one is a Centre of Specialisation. The campuses offering NCV and Report 191 programmes are Benoni Campus, Brakpan Campus, Daveyton Campus, Kwa-Thema Campus as well as Springs Campus. The only Centre of Specialisation which was established in 2015, is called the Artisan & Skills Development Centre. It is situated in the industrial area of Springs. The strength of the College is embodied in its location in the EMM. Ekurhuleni has a total surface area of 1975km² that accommodates a population of 3 178 470 million (Source: Census 2011). This means that the College has a large catchment area from which to recruit potential students.
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College is as a results of a merger of five Technical colleges which were Benoni Technical, Isidingo Technical, Tlamoga Technical and Springs Technical and later the Artisan and Skills Development Centre was found to make a total of six centres. Currently Ekurhuleni East TVET College boost with a total of six spread over six geographic areas around the Eastern Region of Ekurhuleni.
Ekurhuleni East TVET College offers a mix of NCV, Artisan and Short Skills programmes, Report 191, Pre vocational Learning Programmes, with the NCV programmes being the major offering.
We boast:
- 11 NCV (National Curriculum Vocational) programmes spread across the Engineering, Business, ICT, Tourism, Process Plant Operations and Hospitality sectors
- 6 Report 191 programmes spread across the Engineering, Business, Tourism and Hospitality sectors
To be a world- class TVET institution where people are empowered with relevant knowledge and skills, preparing them for the labour market and self-employment
To create a quality learning environment that anticipates, prepares for and meets the Education, Training and Development expectations of our clients
- Focus on clients
- Innovative and responsive service
- Focus on learning
- Ethical practices
- Respect for our people
- Equitable access to our services
- Continual improvement
- Technical and Professional excellence
- Respect for the environment
Our inspirational Motto is: “Committed to excellence”
Brand interpretation
MAIN CORPORATE IDENTITY: The College strives to create a quality learning environment which is in line with the needs of the industry. We are a committed to excellence on daily basis in all divisions, campuses and as individual staff members of the College, each individual sector of the College playing part in realising the Vision of the College to become a world-class technical Vocational Training institution.
Red circle: Represent the bright, red, African Sun which is so much a part of the Ekurhuleni east landscape. It represents the warmth of our students’ learning experience as well as their aspirations towards a brighter future. The circle also symbolises the unification of the six merged Campuses into one dynamic TVET College which has great expectations for growth and success in the future. The sun symbolises life, it is part of our Mission to create a quality learning environment which will empower our students for life.
e’ symbol: The aqua blue ‘e’ at the heart of the College Logo represents the Lake Districts of the East Rand as well as the flow of students through the College. The implied alliteration is also designed to emphasise the excellent, efficient and economical education which students receive at Ekurhuleni East TVET College.
Sun Rays: The golden yellow sunrays represent the vitality of the sun, the sunny Highveld region where the College is situated and the gold mines which form part of the east rand landscape. The multiple sunrays are symbolic of a vital vocational education permeating the community from a TVET College which seeks to be all our students’ partner to a brighter future.
Management Structure

Dr V Sambo
Chairperson: College Council
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Zonke Mahlangu
Chairperson: Audit & Risk
Mr Mashilo Nchabeleng
Chairperson: Finance & investments
Ms Dineo Nkhele
Mr Oupa Galane
Mr Alec Galanakis
Mr Sonny Madingoana
Mr Khotso Ntseare
Chairperson: Human Resource
Ms Komane

Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: RegistrarSENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM

Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: Registrar
Ms Violet Matjila
Campus Manager: Benoni
Mr Sipho Nkosi
Campus Manager: Daveyton
Ms. Ashnie Soorajpal
Campus Manager: Springs
Ms Thulisile Mathebula
Centre Manager: ASDC
Ms Gugu Matthews
Campus Manager: Brakpan
Ms Thokozile Nkosi

Mr Itumeleng Nevhutanda
Deputy Principal: Academic Affairs
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Jacob Molefe
Deputy Principal: Corporate Services (Acting)
Mr. Kgosiemang Mosupa
Chief Financial Officer
Ms Bennita Sisi
Deputy Principal: Registrar
Mr Alex Mohlala
AsD: Student Administration
Mr Anthony Mafolo
Mr Zuko Mbolekwa
AsD: Marketing and communications
AsD: Partnership and Linkages
AsD: Labour Relations
AsD: Supply Chain Management
Ms Mpho Mzangwe
AsD: Budgets and Accounts
Ms Precious Phati
Ms Lesego Boikhutso
AsD: Human Resource
Mr Esau Zikalala
AsD: Exam & Assessments
Ms Sandiswa Sithole
AsD: Curriculum Support (Acting)
Mr Sifiso Nkosi
AsD: Student Support Services
AsD: Risk Management
Manager: ProjectsMessage From Principal
On behalf of the College Council, the College Executive, Staff members and the entire student population I would like to welcome you to Ekurhuleni East TVET College.
The Ekurhuleni East TVET College commonly known as EEC is at the far East of Gauteng province in South Africa, in the Ekurhuleni metropolitan well-positioned amongst big businesses such as Gibela, Kimberly clack, Mpack, Impala, Mettall, Gold 1 and many other big businesses in various industries.
The EEC stand tall in the far East as one of the most prominent education institution with five Campuses specializing in Engineering, Business and Social and creative studies and one delivery site specializing in Skills Development and Training.
Those who are biblically inclined will remember that the East as were the wise man once came and where the sun never set.
In an attempt to fulfill the mandate of the Department of Higher Education and Training the College has committed its self to the motto “committed to excellence”.
The Vision and the Mission of the College are what drives the College Staff members to work selflessly and to produce beyond expectations.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has demonstrated strength and resilience by producing results and by forging new partnerships and relations with big businesses and industries in South African and abroad.
With that said, I also like to welcome and appreciate our partners for their unwavering support providing placement and training opportunities for our students and for supporting the College to its endeavors. Our partnership is playing a critical role in making sure that the College keeps reaching out to the lives of the poor and open doors of learning to all.
As a College, we are excited to contribute to the individual lives of young people in our catchment areas and to fulfill the vision of the Department of High Education and Training. We are overly excited to be part of the changing world by contributing to the development of the South African economy through skill development in the field of Engineering, Business, ICT, Tourism, and Hospitality.
As we continue to produce quality students, we are also committed to seeking placement for our students in various industries. Through these placements, we are convinced that employment opportunities will be realized.
I also like to thank our students placed in various companies who are continuing to flay high the flag of EEC and urge them to remember that they are the alumina of the College, they are the roots of the tree that steams strong from the East.
Ms Happy Sibande
Quality Assurance
QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - is a collection of Policies, Processes, Procedures, Plans, Practices and Resources, with highlighted Organisation’s Hierarchy, Responsibilities and Specifications aimed at achieving set Organisational Objectives and satisfy the needs and expectations of Customers and affected Stakeholders.
Quality Planning – an essential activity where all Managers must be involved in, deciding on the Service Inputs, Tools and Outputs required to service customers. Setting of Quality/Operational Objectives that are aligned to the Quality policy and Strategic Objectives is the critical element of QMS. Hence the QMS office conducts workshop sessions aimed at empowering the Campus Management Team developing and adopting Quality Objectives. The following are documents or Inputs in place that are aimed at assisting the College to satisfy affected stakeholders including customers:
- Quality Policy – recently approved
- Quality Manual – in a process of being replaced
- Legal framework – from DHET and other relevant Departments
- Custodian of Internal Divisional/departmental Policies, Processes, Procedures, forms and Guidelines
- Customer Service Standards – “Charter”
- Customer Complaints Process & Forms
- Customer Service Satisfaction Surveys – electronic and manual forms
Quality Assurance – It is proactively focusing on processes that are in place if they assist in achieving set goals. It’s an ongoing process of checking for deviations and allows for immediate corrections, just like the Internal Audits. This is known to be a critical role played by the QMS Office at all campuses where scheduled processes assessments and performance monitoring and evaluations are conducted as planned.
Quality Control – reactive in nature based on the outcomes of tests conducted, classic example is the Customer Satisfaction Surveys completed by students, also any other testing mechanism that is aimed at testing overall product or service. This also includes the coordination of items “To-do List” raised during the Management Review resolutions.
Ekurhuleni East TVET College has been re-certified by External Audits – SABS, for compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 for a period of 3 years, the certificate expires on the 27th July 2023. The first ISO 9001:2007 was first awarded in 2011, and ever since the College has satisfied all the requirements for certification with SABS.

011 730 6600 x 3205 preciousp@eec.edu.za
P.P. Phathi
QMS ManagerGovernance

Dr V Sambo
Chairperson: College Council
Ms Happy Sibande
Mr Zonke Mahlangu
Chairperson: Audit & Risk
Mr Mashilo Nchabeleng
Chairperson: Finance & investments
Ms Dineo Nkhele
Mr Oupa Galane
Mr Alec Galanakis
Mr Sonny Madingoana
Mr Khotso Ntseare
Chairperson: Human Resource
Ms Komane
Secritary of councilHealth and Safety Statement
Ekurhuleni East, Technical, Vocational, Education and Training College (EEC) as a public institution regulated and established in terms of the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Act 16 of 2006 as amended. EEC commits to in so far as is reasonably practicable; to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and its regulations as well as other allied and related legislation, standards and requirements to which the College subscribes. |
The College is committed to providing and maintaining, as far as is reasonably practicable a healthy, safe and risk-free working and learning environment and this shall be achieved by:
- Providing adequate resources to fulfill EEC’s OHS Management System and policy.
- Implementing, establishing, maintaining and monitoring OHS systems, structures including OHS committees and assign responsibilities through formal legal appointments.
- Building a culture that is centered on maintaining a high-level OHS performance and commitment from the College management team, staff, visitors, contractors and students.
- Providing an environment that is aimed at eliminating illnesses and injuries at work and at any other place that may be impacted by our operations, including members of the public.
- Providing appropriate personal protective equipment/ clothing as considered necessary for the protection of employees and students in the cause of their activities (and ensuring that employees and students make use of such equipment and or clothing as may be required according to their risk exposure).
- Providing and arranging OHS Training and instruction to OHS legal appointments as well as to contractor /service provider employees.
- Implementing methods to monitor contractor/service provider OHS Compliance.
- Conducting regular reviews of OHS performance by the College Management and setting objectives, targets and monitoring them continuously to ensure their achievements.
- Addressing all short-comings in OHS Management System performance identified through monitoring the system on audit basis (internal and external).
EEC relies on its community members to take individual and collective responsibility to prevent accidents, injuries, illnesses and ensure compliance with OHS procedures, standards and work practices.
This OHS policy statement is a key part of EEC OHS Policy and will be reviewed on annual basis or as a need arises to ensure continual improvement of the implementation of the OHS Management System.
Industries & Partners
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