Student Support
- Student Support Overview
- Support Services
- Student Support Services Policies
- Student Health and Wellness
- Events
- Gallery
- Student Representative Council
- Contact us
Student Support Services Overview
The primary mandate of Student Support Services is to facilitate the academic success and personal well-being of individual students. The SSS department is available in each of our campuses to ensure accessibility of services, although certain services are centralised due to their nature.
- Comprehensive and proactive life skills programme (personal, social and academic outcomes) and extensive student support in the area of academic tutoring, disability support, social support and career support.
- Specialist counselling and therapeutic support parallel to the above and to address individual problems at personal and academic levels (personal, career and study counselling).
- Specialist services for students with disabilities.
- Student profiling on first-time entry for early identification of academic risk factors and early interventions.

Mr. Sipho Nkosi
Assistant Director: Student Support ServicesSupport Services offered at all sites
Personal Counselling and Therapy
Counselling is also referred to as therapy. It is not an advice-giving session, but rather a process whereby you and the counsellor discuss what has brought you to counselling and the possible ways in which to deal with or manage the situation. The long-term goal of counselling is to improve your personal functioning and stimulate personal growth. It is important to remember that anybody can come for therapy, it is not limited to certain individuals.
In order for the counsellor to assist you, he or she may ask you questions about your life and family history. There will also be times when you will have to reflect on and think about your own behaviour and how you can change/manage your situation/problem or feelings. Sometimes, this can be upsetting and cause some temporary emotional distress. But, if you are feeling distressed, please talk to your counsellor about it. Also, as the purpose of counselling is to bring about change in your life, it could affect your relationships with other people in your life. This change can be either positive or negative. If you experience any difficulties with this, please speak with your counsellor.
The success of therapy is influenced by a number of factors. One of the most important factors is the degree to which you are willing to take responsibility for bringing about change. No therapist can give a guarantee that counselling will be successful.
It is also important to remember that counselling is a process and that you may have to attend a few sessions. The duration of these sessions are usually 45 minutes to 1 hour.
At EEC, you will find a counsellor/social worker at the each of our five campuses. Every EEC campus has a SSS department
For a counselling appointment, you can visit one of our offices. You can refer yourself for therapy. Some students are referred by lecturers or medical professionals, but we will not turn you away if you are not.
When you make an appointment, you will need to fill out an intake form. You will receive an appointment card and an information leaflet. You must then return to the SSS office for your appointment. You do not always need a referral from someone else. You can simply come to our offices.
No, these services are for EEC students – at no cost.
Social Workers.
- All conversations and information gathered in the counselling sessions are highly confidential. It will not be, subject to what is stated in paragraph 2, disclosed to anyone without your consent.
- In certain exceptional situations, however, legal or professional rules may force your counsellor to disclose information about you. These will include:
- Emergency Situations
Should a situation arise where the counsellor believes that there is a real risk that you may harm yourself or that another person may be harmed, he or she will be compelled to take the necessary steps to prevent such harm, even if this may entail breaching confidentiality.
- Court Orders
A court may order a counsellor to disclose private information and any notes regarding the client.
Termination of Therapy
Either you, or the counsellor, can terminate therapy at any stage. The counsellor will only terminate therapy in consultation with you and in a professionally accountable way.
- Life Line (24/7) - 0861 322 322
- South African Depression and Anxiety Group - 0800 12 13 142
- SADAG Emergency Suicide - 0800 567 567
- SADAG (SMS and we will call you back) – 1393
- Higher health free 24 hours online/virtual therapy sessions, powered by SADAG 0800 363 636
- Substance Abuse Help Line - 0800 12 13 14 (sms 32312)
Career Counselling and Development
Potential Assessment is a selection mechanism that may be used in the admissions process in addition to your basic education results.
The Student Profiling process is based on an assessment called Profiler:
It focuses on the Early Identification of a student at risk of being unsuccessful in his/her studies at EEC, either due to inadequate academic skills, underdeveloped emotional intelligence, career orientation or lack of language and numeracy proficiency. By profiling the first-time entering students at the beginning of each cycle, a starting point can be determined for the provision of relevant interventions that are likely to enhance the student’s chances of graduating. After completing the evaluation, students and all relevant lecturers are provided with comprehensive reports during a feedback session. The Student Profiling process has little value if students do not complete the recommended interventions.
Student Funding (FAO)
The core business and mandate of Financial Aid is to manage and administer various student funding opportunities for deserving students according to sponsor specific requirements. Our goal is to ensure that eligible students have access to these funds at all our campuses.
Student Liaison Officers
The main purpose of a student liaison officer is to ensure that students receive all the necessary support they need in order to be successful students both academically and socially.
- Peer to Peer Tutor Programme (Individual/Group Tutor Sessions)
- Workshops (Study Skills and Exam Preparedness)
- Assist with application for extra time and special considerations, examinations
- EEC offers variety of sport codes for students. These include cricket, netball, rugby, table-tennis, chess, soccer, golf and athletics.
Social Support Services and Psycho-Education
The purpose of the social support and psycho-education programme facilitated by SSS is to initiate campaigns and projects that focus on relevant social issues – specifically related to the student community. The programme is needs driven and therefore changes constantly.
Campaigns and projects on the following are facilitated:
- Personal safety.
- Trauma.
- Substance abuse.
- Unplanned pregnancy and abortion, just to name a few.
The aim of the programme is to inform and to be pro-active in addressing some of the many psycho-social challenges that many of our students are confronted with on a daily basis. Relevant information is provided to students in such a way that they are receptive to the content. In view of this, the approach is normally quite informal. To optimise the effectiveness of the programme, students are encouraged to become partners (i.e. they receive specialised training in various social support matters such as the (Peer to Peer Counselling Programme) in assisting the Student Support Services Officials with, among others, creating awareness and assisting fellow students in need.
Life Skills
The Life Skills programme aims to assist students to develop meaningful academic and personal skills, knowledge and abilities that could enhance their College experience and potentially enable them to draw on higher education experience as an enabler of life chances. This programme is offered via lectures over one full academic semester.
The Student Support Services presents the Life Skills programme to achieve three major outcomes. Programmes are also structured according to the three basic principles:
Three major outcomes:
- Effective living
- Effective learning
- Employability/Entrepreneurship
Three basic principles:
- An outcomes based approach that implies creative facilitation and, when required, continuous assessment.
- Maximum practical application and internalisation opportunities.
- Flexibility and client need orientation.
Academic themes
- Goal setting.
- Time management.
- Information processing /Summarising.
- Classroom skills / Note-taking strategies
- Memorising skills.
- Test taking and exam strategies / integration of academic skills.
Personal themes
- Understanding the challenges of adjustment to student life.
- Managing personal stress effectively.
- Conflict management / problem solving.
- Relationships and friends.
Personal Counselling and Therapy
Counselling is also referred to as therapy. It is not an advice-giving session, but rather a process whereby you and the counsellor discuss what has brought you to counselling and the possible ways in which to deal with or manage the situation. The long-term goal of counselling is to improve your personal functioning and stimulate personal growth. It is important to remember that anybody can come for therapy, it is not limited to certain individuals.
In order for the counsellor to assist you, he or she may ask you questions about your life and family history. There will also be times when you will have to reflect on and think about your own behaviour and how you can change/manage your situation/problem or feelings. Sometimes, this can be upsetting and cause some temporary emotional distress. But, if you are feeling distressed, please talk to your counsellor about it. Also, as the purpose of counselling is to bring about change in your life, it could affect your relationships with other people in your life. This change can be either positive or negative. If you experience any difficulties with this, please speak with your counsellor.
The success of therapy is influenced by a number of factors. One of the most important factors is the degree to which you are willing to take responsibility for bringing about change. No therapist can give a guarantee that counselling will be successful.
It is also important to remember that counselling is a process and that you may have to attend a few sessions. The duration of these sessions are usually 45 minutes to 1 hour.
At EEC, you will find a counsellor/social worker at the each of our five campuses. Every EEC campus has a SSS department
For a counselling appointment, you can visit one of our offices. You can refer yourself for therapy. Some students are referred by lecturers or medical professionals, but we will not turn you away if you are not.
When you make an appointment, you will need to fill out an intake form. You will receive an appointment card and an information leaflet. You must then return to the SSS office for your appointment. You do not always need a referral from someone else. You can simply come to our offices.
No, these services are for EEC students – at no cost.
Social Workers.
- All conversations and information gathered in the counselling sessions are highly confidential. It will not be, subject to what is stated in paragraph 2, disclosed to anyone without your consent.
- In certain exceptional situations, however, legal or professional rules may force your counsellor to disclose information about you. These will include:
- Emergency Situations
Should a situation arise where the counsellor believes that there is a real risk that you may harm yourself or that another person may be harmed, he or she will be compelled to take the necessary steps to prevent such harm, even if this may entail breaching confidentiality. - Court Orders
A court may order a counsellor to disclose private information and any notes regarding the client.
- Emergency Situations
Termination of Therapy
Either you, or the counsellor, can terminate therapy at any stage. The counsellor will only terminate therapy in consultation with you and in a professionally accountable way.
- Life Line (24/7) - 0861 322 322
- South African Depression and Anxiety Group - 0800 12 13 142
- SADAG Emergency Suicide - 0800 567 567
- SADAG (SMS and we will call you back) – 1393
- Higher health free 24 hours online/virtual therapy sessions, powered by SADAG 0800 363 636
- Substance Abuse Help Line - 0800 12 13 14 (sms 32312)
Career Counselling and Development
Potential Assessment is a selection mechanism that may be used in the admissions process in addition to your basic education results.
The Student Profiling process is based on an assessment called Profiler:
It focuses on the Early Identification of a student at risk of being unsuccessful in his/her studies at EEC, either due to inadequate academic skills, underdeveloped emotional intelligence, career orientation or lack of language and numeracy proficiency. By profiling the first-time entering students at the beginning of each cycle, a starting point can be determined for the provision of relevant interventions that are likely to enhance the student’s chances of graduating. After completing the evaluation, students and all relevant lecturers are provided with comprehensive reports during a feedback session. The Student Profiling process has little value if students do not complete the recommended interventions.
Student Funding (FAO)
The core business and mandate of Financial Aid is to manage and administer various student funding opportunities for deserving students according to sponsor specific requirements. Our goal is to ensure that eligible students have access to these funds at all our campuses.
Student Liaison Officers
The main purpose of a student liaison officer is to ensure that students receive all the necessary support they need in order to be successful students both academically and socially.
- Peer to Peer Tutor Programme (Individual/Group Tutor Sessions)
- Workshops (Study Skills and Exam Preparedness)
- Assist with application for extra time and special considerations, examinations
- EEC offers variety of sport codes for students. These include cricket, netball, rugby, table-tennis, chess, soccer, golf and athletics.
Social Support Services and Psycho-Education
The purpose of the social support and psycho-education programme facilitated by SSS is to initiate campaigns and projects that focus on relevant social issues – specifically related to the student community. The programme is needs driven and therefore changes constantly.
Campaigns and projects on the following are facilitated:
- Personal safety.
- Trauma.
- Substance abuse.
- Unplanned pregnancy and abortion, just to name a few.
The aim of the programme is to inform and to be pro-active in addressing some of the many psycho-social challenges that many of our students are confronted with on a daily basis. Relevant information is provided to students in such a way that they are receptive to the content. In view of this, the approach is normally quite informal. To optimise the effectiveness of the programme, students are encouraged to become partners (i.e. they receive specialised training in various social support matters such as the (Peer to Peer Counselling Programme) in assisting the Student Support Services Officials with, among others, creating awareness and assisting fellow students in need.
Life Skills
The Life Skills programme aims to assist students to develop meaningful academic and personal skills, knowledge and abilities that could enhance their College experience and potentially enable them to draw on higher education experience as an enabler of life chances. This programme is offered via lectures over one full academic semester.
The Student Support Services presents the Life Skills programme to achieve three major outcomes. Programmes are also structured according to the three basic principles:
Three major outcomes:
- Effective living
- Effective learning
- Employability/Entrepreneurship
Three basic principles:
- An outcomes based approach that implies creative facilitation and, when required, continuous assessment.
- Maximum practical application and internalisation opportunities.
- Flexibility and client need orientation.
Academic themes
- Goal setting.
- Time management.
- Information processing /Summarising.
- Classroom skills / Note-taking strategies
- Memorising skills.
- Test taking and exam strategies / integration of academic skills.
Personal themes
- Understanding the challenges of adjustment to student life.
- Managing personal stress effectively.
- Conflict management / problem solving.
- Relationships and friends.
Student Support Services Policies
Click on the name to view the PDF
Student Health and Wellness
The SSS Department in collaboration with Higher Health seeks to help students reduce the effect of health-related which, if left unaddressed, may lead to delaying completion and even dropping out from their studies. This is done through the: First Things First activations.
There are 8 focus areas:
- HIV/TB/STIs– Education, screening, testing and referral for treatment and care
- Gender-Based violence– Policy development, dialogues, screenings, referral for care
- Disability– Linkage to care and services, sensitise and educate on disabilities, promote access to care
- LGBTQI– Di-stigmatization, dialogues, link to care and services, dialogues
- Alcohol and Drug abuse prevention– Awareness’, dialogues, screenings, referral to care and interventions
- Mental Health– Screenings, awareness, education, referral to psychologist, linkage to care
- Sexual Reproductive Health– Provision of contraception, education, screening, linkage to care, advocacy for sexual health rights and services
- Covid19– Protocol development, screening, referral, prevention and vaccinations
If any of the students need assistance with matters related to the above, they should see the social worker for referral to Higher Health official.
Date Description
2- 5 February
12 - 16 February
22 - 26 February
Healthy lifestyle, Mental health & GBV dialogues
STI/Condom Awareness
College Athletics
13-14 March
15 - 19 March
20 March
27 - 28
COSACSA Athletics
HIV/AIDS Testing
Inter-Campus Sports games
March Soccer Tournament
17 April
18- 23 April
24 April
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Health ,Wellness & Social inclusion Awareness day
Inter Campus Arts & Culture
08, 15, 29 May
17 May
22 May
31 May
COSACSA Women Soccer Festival
Intra - Campus Arts and Cultural activities
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Child Protection Awareness week
5 June
6 June
12 June
14 June
19 -20 June
21 - 27 June
COSACSA Arts and Culture competitions
National Cancer Commemoration
COSACSA Women Soccer Festival
World Blood Donor Commemoration / Youth Day Commemoration
COSACSA Netball Tournament
Drug Awareness week
19 -23 July
24 July
29 July
31 July
Disability and Mental Health Awareness Day
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Zinto Road Show (Clere/Cortex)
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
14 August
21 August
23 - 27 August
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
HIV/AIDS Testing
13 -17 September
18 September
21 -30 September
28 September
30 September
Blood Drive
COSACSA Dance & Choral Festival
Cancer Awareness Commemoration
Contraception Day
Heritage day Commemoration
1 - 16 December
16 Days of Activism commemoration
Student Representative Council
The SRC represents the students of EEC in matters that may affect such students.
The matters contemplated in the constitution are –
- liaison with the College Council, the Executive, Management, Campus Management, other institutions, students’ Representative councils of other institutions, national or international student organisations, and news media;
- Serving as the umbrella organisation for all student committees, clubs, councils and societies, and granting or withdrawing recognition of such student committees, clubs, councils and societies as it deems fit;
- The coordination and supervision of the use of students' facilities and all matters pertaining thereto, in conjunction with the management of the College;
- The convening and conducting of all authorised meetings of the student body and serving as the managing body in all general referenda and petitions organised by the students in terms of the rules;
- The appointment of such office-bearers and establishing of such committees as it deems necessary;
- The organisation and promotion of extramural activities among students;
- The responsibility for the preservation of order at student functions, and ensuring good conduct at other approved meetings of students;
- The coordination of student involvement in all community projects initiated by it;
- The responsibility for all student publications;
- The recommendation to the Council of rules to determine the execution of its affairs;
- Final decision-making in all matters falling within its jurisdiction; and
- Such additional functions and privileges as may be specifically conferred upon it by the Council.
Only registered students are eligible to serve on the SRC. The SRC, must be representative of the student body and consist six of students from each campus elected by the students of each specific campus. The election of SRC members must be democratic and transparent.
Office Bearers
The SRC elects from among its members a president to act as chairperson and a deputy president to act as deputy chairperson. The functions of other office-bearers and the election of office-bearers are as determined by the SRC. The composition of the SRC may not be repealed or amended, except after consultation with the SRC constitution.

Mosading Mokgomogane
SRC President
Noluthando Mathebula
Deputy SRC President
Neo Thukoane
Secretary General
Zukiswa Sikhotshi
Deputy Secretary General
Lerato Modipa
Treasurer General
Banele Sibanyoni
Director of Public Relations
Khuliso Sirafa
Director of Projects and Campaigns
Ayanda Masilela
Director of Health and Safety
Nelisiwe Sangweni
Director of Academics
Lourance Thamaga
Director of Sports and CultureTerm of Office of the SRC Members
The term of office of the members of the SRC is one (1) year.
The privileges of members of the SRC are as determined by the College Council, after consultation with the SRC.
Meetings of SRC
The number of meetings, the quorum of a meeting and the meeting procedure are determined by the Constitution of the SRC, as approved by the College.
General meeting
The SRC must convene at least one (1) general meeting of student. Meetings may not disrupt academic activities unless the Principal has granted prior permission.
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- Student Support Overview
- Support Services
- Events
- Gallery
- Student Health and Wellness
- Student Representative Council
- Student Support Services Policies
- Contact us
Student Support Services Overview
The primary mandate of Student Support Services is to facilitate the academic success and personal well-being of individual students. The SSS department is available in each of our campuses to ensure accessibility of services, although certain services are centralised due to their nature.
- Comprehensive and proactive life skills programme (personal, social and academic outcomes) and extensive student support in the area of academic tutoring, disability support, social support and career support.
- Specialist counselling and therapeutic support parallel to the above and to address individual problems at personal and academic levels (personal, career and study counselling).
- Specialist services for students with disabilities.
- Student profiling on first-time entry for early identification of academic risk factors and early interventions.

Mr. Sipho Nkosi
Assistant Director: Student Support ServicesSupport Services offered at all sites
Personal Counselling and Therapy
Counselling is also referred to as therapy. It is not an advice-giving session, but rather a process whereby you and the counsellor discuss what has brought you to counselling and the possible ways in which to deal with or manage the situation. The long-term goal of counselling is to improve your personal functioning and stimulate personal growth. It is important to remember that anybody can come for therapy, it is not limited to certain individuals.
In order for the counsellor to assist you, he or she may ask you questions about your life and family history. There will also be times when you will have to reflect on and think about your own behaviour and how you can change/manage your situation/problem or feelings. Sometimes, this can be upsetting and cause some temporary emotional distress. But, if you are feeling distressed, please talk to your counsellor about it. Also, as the purpose of counselling is to bring about change in your life, it could affect your relationships with other people in your life. This change can be either positive or negative. If you experience any difficulties with this, please speak with your counsellor.
The success of therapy is influenced by a number of factors. One of the most important factors is the degree to which you are willing to take responsibility for bringing about change. No therapist can give a guarantee that counselling will be successful.
It is also important to remember that counselling is a process and that you may have to attend a few sessions. The duration of these sessions are usually 45 minutes to 1 hour.
At EEC, you will find a counsellor/social worker at the each of our five campuses. Every EEC campus has a SSS department
For a counselling appointment, you can visit one of our offices. You can refer yourself for therapy. Some students are referred by lecturers or medical professionals, but we will not turn you away if you are not.
When you make an appointment, you will need to fill out an intake form. You will receive an appointment card and an information leaflet. You must then return to the SSS office for your appointment. You do not always need a referral from someone else. You can simply come to our offices.
No, these services are for EEC students – at no cost.
Social Workers.
- All conversations and information gathered in the counselling sessions are highly confidential. It will not be, subject to what is stated in paragraph 2, disclosed to anyone without your consent.
- In certain exceptional situations, however, legal or professional rules may force your counsellor to disclose information about you. These will include:
- Emergency Situations
Should a situation arise where the counsellor believes that there is a real risk that you may harm yourself or that another person may be harmed, he or she will be compelled to take the necessary steps to prevent such harm, even if this may entail breaching confidentiality.
- Court Orders
A court may order a counsellor to disclose private information and any notes regarding the client.
Termination of Therapy
Either you, or the counsellor, can terminate therapy at any stage. The counsellor will only terminate therapy in consultation with you and in a professionally accountable way.
- Life Line (24/7) - 0861 322 322
- South African Depression and Anxiety Group - 0800 12 13 142
- SADAG Emergency Suicide - 0800 567 567
- SADAG (SMS and we will call you back) – 1393
- Higher health free 24 hours online/virtual therapy sessions, powered by SADAG 0800 363 636
- Substance Abuse Help Line - 0800 12 13 14 (sms 32312)
Career Counselling and Development
Potential Assessment is a selection mechanism that may be used in the admissions process in addition to your basic education results.
The Student Profiling process is based on an assessment called Profiler:
It focuses on the Early Identification of a student at risk of being unsuccessful in his/her studies at EEC, either due to inadequate academic skills, underdeveloped emotional intelligence, career orientation or lack of language and numeracy proficiency. By profiling the first-time entering students at the beginning of each cycle, a starting point can be determined for the provision of relevant interventions that are likely to enhance the student’s chances of graduating. After completing the evaluation, students and all relevant lecturers are provided with comprehensive reports during a feedback session. The Student Profiling process has little value if students do not complete the recommended interventions.
Student Funding (FAO)
The core business and mandate of Financial Aid is to manage and administer various student funding opportunities for deserving students according to sponsor specific requirements. Our goal is to ensure that eligible students have access to these funds at all our campuses.
Student Liaison Officers
The main purpose of a student liaison officer is to ensure that students receive all the necessary support they need in order to be successful students both academically and socially.
- Peer to Peer Tutor Programme (Individual/Group Tutor Sessions)
- Workshops (Study Skills and Exam Preparedness)
- Assist with application for extra time and special considerations, examinations
- EEC offers variety of sport codes for students. These include cricket, netball, rugby, table-tennis, chess, soccer, golf and athletics.
Social Support Services and Psycho-Education
The purpose of the social support and psycho-education programme facilitated by SSS is to initiate campaigns and projects that focus on relevant social issues – specifically related to the student community. The programme is needs driven and therefore changes constantly.
Campaigns and projects on the following are facilitated:
- Personal safety.
- Trauma.
- Substance abuse.
- Unplanned pregnancy and abortion, just to name a few.
The aim of the programme is to inform and to be pro-active in addressing some of the many psycho-social challenges that many of our students are confronted with on a daily basis. Relevant information is provided to students in such a way that they are receptive to the content. In view of this, the approach is normally quite informal. To optimise the effectiveness of the programme, students are encouraged to become partners (i.e. they receive specialised training in various social support matters such as the (Peer to Peer Counselling Programme) in assisting the Student Support Services Officials with, among others, creating awareness and assisting fellow students in need.
Life Skills
The Life Skills programme aims to assist students to develop meaningful academic and personal skills, knowledge and abilities that could enhance their College experience and potentially enable them to draw on higher education experience as an enabler of life chances. This programme is offered via lectures over one full academic semester.
The Student Support Services presents the Life Skills programme to achieve three major outcomes. Programmes are also structured according to the three basic principles:
Three major outcomes:
- Effective living
- Effective learning
- Employability/Entrepreneurship
Three basic principles:
- An outcomes based approach that implies creative facilitation and, when required, continuous assessment.
- Maximum practical application and internalisation opportunities.
- Flexibility and client need orientation.
Academic themes
- Goal setting.
- Time management.
- Information processing /Summarising.
- Classroom skills / Note-taking strategies
- Memorising skills.
- Test taking and exam strategies / integration of academic skills.
Personal themes
- Understanding the challenges of adjustment to student life.
- Managing personal stress effectively.
- Conflict management / problem solving.
- Relationships and friends.
Personal Counselling and Therapy
Counselling is also referred to as therapy. It is not an advice-giving session, but rather a process whereby you and the counsellor discuss what has brought you to counselling and the possible ways in which to deal with or manage the situation. The long-term goal of counselling is to improve your personal functioning and stimulate personal growth. It is important to remember that anybody can come for therapy, it is not limited to certain individuals.
In order for the counsellor to assist you, he or she may ask you questions about your life and family history. There will also be times when you will have to reflect on and think about your own behaviour and how you can change/manage your situation/problem or feelings. Sometimes, this can be upsetting and cause some temporary emotional distress. But, if you are feeling distressed, please talk to your counsellor about it. Also, as the purpose of counselling is to bring about change in your life, it could affect your relationships with other people in your life. This change can be either positive or negative. If you experience any difficulties with this, please speak with your counsellor.
The success of therapy is influenced by a number of factors. One of the most important factors is the degree to which you are willing to take responsibility for bringing about change. No therapist can give a guarantee that counselling will be successful.
It is also important to remember that counselling is a process and that you may have to attend a few sessions. The duration of these sessions are usually 45 minutes to 1 hour.
At EEC, you will find a counsellor/social worker at the each of our five campuses. Every EEC campus has a SSS department
For a counselling appointment, you can visit one of our offices. You can refer yourself for therapy. Some students are referred by lecturers or medical professionals, but we will not turn you away if you are not.
When you make an appointment, you will need to fill out an intake form. You will receive an appointment card and an information leaflet. You must then return to the SSS office for your appointment. You do not always need a referral from someone else. You can simply come to our offices.
No, these services are for EEC students – at no cost.
Social Workers.
- All conversations and information gathered in the counselling sessions are highly confidential. It will not be, subject to what is stated in paragraph 2, disclosed to anyone without your consent.
- In certain exceptional situations, however, legal or professional rules may force your counsellor to disclose information about you. These will include:
- Emergency Situations
Should a situation arise where the counsellor believes that there is a real risk that you may harm yourself or that another person may be harmed, he or she will be compelled to take the necessary steps to prevent such harm, even if this may entail breaching confidentiality. - Court Orders
A court may order a counsellor to disclose private information and any notes regarding the client.
- Emergency Situations
Termination of Therapy
Either you, or the counsellor, can terminate therapy at any stage. The counsellor will only terminate therapy in consultation with you and in a professionally accountable way.
- Life Line (24/7) - 0861 322 322
- South African Depression and Anxiety Group - 0800 12 13 142
- SADAG Emergency Suicide - 0800 567 567
- SADAG (SMS and we will call you back) – 1393
- Higher health free 24 hours online/virtual therapy sessions, powered by SADAG 0800 363 636
- Substance Abuse Help Line - 0800 12 13 14 (sms 32312)
Career Counselling and Development
Potential Assessment is a selection mechanism that may be used in the admissions process in addition to your basic education results.
The Student Profiling process is based on an assessment called Profiler:
It focuses on the Early Identification of a student at risk of being unsuccessful in his/her studies at EEC, either due to inadequate academic skills, underdeveloped emotional intelligence, career orientation or lack of language and numeracy proficiency. By profiling the first-time entering students at the beginning of each cycle, a starting point can be determined for the provision of relevant interventions that are likely to enhance the student’s chances of graduating. After completing the evaluation, students and all relevant lecturers are provided with comprehensive reports during a feedback session. The Student Profiling process has little value if students do not complete the recommended interventions.
Student Funding (FAO)
The core business and mandate of Financial Aid is to manage and administer various student funding opportunities for deserving students according to sponsor specific requirements. Our goal is to ensure that eligible students have access to these funds at all our campuses.
Student Liaison Officers
The main purpose of a student liaison officer is to ensure that students receive all the necessary support they need in order to be successful students both academically and socially.
- Peer to Peer Tutor Programme (Individual/Group Tutor Sessions)
- Workshops (Study Skills and Exam Preparedness)
- Assist with application for extra time and special considerations, examinations
- EEC offers variety of sport codes for students. These include cricket, netball, rugby, table-tennis, chess, soccer, golf and athletics.
Social Support Services and Psycho-Education
The purpose of the social support and psycho-education programme facilitated by SSS is to initiate campaigns and projects that focus on relevant social issues – specifically related to the student community. The programme is needs driven and therefore changes constantly.
Campaigns and projects on the following are facilitated:
- Personal safety.
- Trauma.
- Substance abuse.
- Unplanned pregnancy and abortion, just to name a few.
The aim of the programme is to inform and to be pro-active in addressing some of the many psycho-social challenges that many of our students are confronted with on a daily basis. Relevant information is provided to students in such a way that they are receptive to the content. In view of this, the approach is normally quite informal. To optimise the effectiveness of the programme, students are encouraged to become partners (i.e. they receive specialised training in various social support matters such as the (Peer to Peer Counselling Programme) in assisting the Student Support Services Officials with, among others, creating awareness and assisting fellow students in need.
Life Skills
The Life Skills programme aims to assist students to develop meaningful academic and personal skills, knowledge and abilities that could enhance their College experience and potentially enable them to draw on higher education experience as an enabler of life chances. This programme is offered via lectures over one full academic semester.
The Student Support Services presents the Life Skills programme to achieve three major outcomes. Programmes are also structured according to the three basic principles:
Three major outcomes:
- Effective living
- Effective learning
- Employability/Entrepreneurship
Three basic principles:
- An outcomes based approach that implies creative facilitation and, when required, continuous assessment.
- Maximum practical application and internalisation opportunities.
- Flexibility and client need orientation.
Academic themes
- Goal setting.
- Time management.
- Information processing /Summarising.
- Classroom skills / Note-taking strategies
- Memorising skills.
- Test taking and exam strategies / integration of academic skills.
Personal themes
- Understanding the challenges of adjustment to student life.
- Managing personal stress effectively.
- Conflict management / problem solving.
- Relationships and friends.
2- 5 February
12 - 16 February
22 - 26 February
Healthy lifestyle, Mental health & GBV dialogues
STI/Condom Awareness
College Athletics
13-14 March
15 - 19 March
20 March
27 - 28
COSACSA Athletics
HIV/AIDS Testing
Inter-Campus Sports games
March Soccer Tournament
17 April
18- 23 April
24 April
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Health ,Wellness & Social inclusion Awareness day
Inter Campus Arts & Culture
08, 15, 29 May
17 May
22 May
31 May
COSACSA Women Soccer Festival
Intra - Campus Arts and Cultural activities
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Child Protection Awareness week
5 June
6 June
12 June
14 June
19 -20 June
21 - 27 June
COSACSA Arts and Culture competitions
National Cancer Commemoration
COSACSA Women Soccer Festival
World Blood Donor Commemoration / Youth Day Commemoration
COSACSA Netball Tournament
Drug Awareness week
19 -23 July
24 July
29 July
31 July
Disability and Mental Health Awareness Day
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
Zinto Road Show (Clere/Cortex)
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
14 August
21 August
23 - 27 August
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
COSACSA Netball and Soccer league games
HIV/AIDS Testing
13 -17 September
18 September
21 -30 September
28 September
30 September
Blood Drive
COSACSA Dance & Choral Festival
Cancer Awareness Commemoration
Contraception Day
Heritage day Commemoration
1 - 16 December
16 Days of Activism commemoration
Student Health and Wellness
Objective: To support student social wellbeing, promote a BALANCED achieving student throughout the academic years at College.
- Individual Groups Family
- Higher Health
Awareness & Motion
- Substance abuse: Drugs, alcohol, dagga, etc.
- Classroom support: Disability, Special needs, application for concessions
- Student health:HIV and AIDS-related issues
- Abuse: physical, psychological, domestic violence, and verbal abuse
- Trauma, Grief, and Bereavement ( loss of loved ones)
- Ensuring that health services are brought to the students, to assist in mitigating all social and health ills that may interfere with their studies.
- This is done with The First thing First activations being the driver. Engagements with students is done through dialogues to break the silence, capacitate and link to care
- Higher Health focuses areas are as below but not limited to, a holistic approach to ensuring that our students complete their studies healthy and become contributing members of the society is the bigger picture.
- Programs on: HIV\ AIDS, STI’s, Sexual Reproductive Health, Gender-Based Violence, LGBTQI+, Mental Health, Drug and substance abuse and Covid 19
- Peer Volunteers are recruited around campuses to assist with the mobilizations of these programs and to create hype around these programs.
Referrals as per Identified Need (i.e.)
- Social Development: Social relief, SASSA, local clinic, optometrist
- iIThemba Rape & Trauma center. POWA
- DSD, SAPS Ekurhuleni Health dept.
Student Representative Council
The SRC represents the students of EEC in matters that may affect such students.
The matters contemplated in the constitution are –
- liaison with the College Council, the Executive, Management, Campus Management, other institutions, students’ Representative councils of other institutions, national or international student organisations, and news media;
- Serving as the umbrella organisation for all student committees, clubs, councils and societies, and granting or withdrawing recognition of such student committees, clubs, councils and societies as it deems fit;
- The coordination and supervision of the use of students' facilities and all matters pertaining thereto, in conjunction with the management of the College;
- The convening and conducting of all authorised meetings of the student body and serving as the managing body in all general referenda and petitions organised by the students in terms of the rules;
- The appointment of such office-bearers and establishing of such committees as it deems necessary;
- The organisation and promotion of extramural activities among students;
- The responsibility for the preservation of order at student functions, and ensuring good conduct at other approved meetings of students;
- The coordination of student involvement in all community projects initiated by it;
- The responsibility for all student publications;
- The recommendation to the Council of rules to determine the execution of its affairs;
- Final decision-making in all matters falling within its jurisdiction; and
- Such additional functions and privileges as may be specifically conferred upon it by the Council.
Only registered students are eligible to serve on the SRC. The SRC, must be representative of the student body and consist six of students from each campus elected by the students of each specific campus. The election of SRC members must be democratic and transparent.
Office Bearers
The SRC elects from among its members a president to act as chairperson and a deputy president to act as deputy chairperson. The functions of other office-bearers and the election of office-bearers are as determined by the SRC. The composition of the SRC may not be repealed or amended, except after consultation with the SRC constitution.

Mosading Mokgomogane
SRC President
Noluthando Mathebula
Deputy SRC President
Neo Thukoane
Secretary General
Zukiswa Sikhotshi
Deputy Secretary General
Lerato Modipa
Treasurer General
Banele Sibanyoni
Director of Public Relations
Khuliso Sirafa
Director of Projects and Campaigns
Ayanda Masilela
Director of Health and Safety
Nelisiwe Sangweni
Director of Academics
Lourance Thamaga
Director of Sports and CultureTerm of Office of the SRC Members
The term of office of the members of the SRC is one (1) year.
The privileges of members of the SRC are as determined by the College Council, after consultation with the SRC.
Meetings of SRC
The number of meetings, the quorum of a meeting and the meeting procedure are determined by the Constitution of the SRC, as approved by the College.
General meeting
The SRC must convene at least one (1) general meeting of student. Meetings may not disrupt academic activities unless the Principal has granted prior permission.
Student Support Services Policies
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