All the way from Japan and Germany

In the past week Ekurhuleni East TVET College has hosted delegates from both Japan and Germany who are interested in forming close working relationships with TVET Colleges in South Africa.

With the only Foundry in Gauteng and the Samsung Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Academy, both located on the Kwa-Thema campus, EEC has been identified as a potential College with which to forge a meaningful business partnership.

EEC was also selected as one of four TVET Colleges in South Africa to run a Dual System Pilot Project (DSPP) for two trades (Electrical and Plumbing) under the guidance of the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ).This Dual System Apprenticeship training model is new to South Africa but has already been applied with great success in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Under this system students spend up to 70% of their training period in the workplace itself. The theoretical training they receive at the College is continually integrated and reinforced with practical application in the workplace. Students alternate between the College and the workplace in block periods of between eight and fourteen weeks throughout their training period.