New Students: Online Applications
Online Applications
You are considered to be a new student if:

You are applying for the first time to Ekurhuleni East TVET College;

You were not enrolled for any course at Ekurhuleni East TVET College before;

You did not have an EEC Student number in any previous year.
Documents Needed For This Application:
You will be required to upload these into the Application Form in digital format, such as pdf, for example. So please have your digital documents ready for upload.
Please UPLOAD the required documents when requested to do so:
- Identity Document;
- Results;
- Proof of Residence.
If you need an NSFAS bursary, you must also upload proof of income and parents’ / legal guardians’ Identity Documents.
Applicants can also visit the college to book an online application session if you struggle with internet. You can use either your smartphone, tablet or your computer to apply online.